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Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Deon Big Day 19 Jan 2008

See Dr Lim again today(18Jan2008,Friday). Blood pressure got higher so as mentioned on Monday today we have to admit to hospital and induce. Requested to be admit at 5pm today so that we can go home get ready for your arrival, double check the hospital bag and most important to shower because during confinement Mama don't have the chance to shower everyday.
Time passes very fast. Soon we are heading the hospital. Below are the day events,
4.30pm: Reached hospital. Went straight to the admission counter, got queue number and await to be admitted.

5+pm: After the admission was done, we went to delivery suite. Got change up, clear bowel and was put on monitor... Wow...already having every 5-7mins interval contraction. No pain just having tightening.
6.30pm: Start on drip for induction. Contraction every 3-5mins interval still no pain just tightening.
8.30pm: Gynae came and burst waterbag. Already 2cm dilated.
9.45pm: Pain getting worst but still bearable. 3-4cm dilated.

12am: Can't stand the pain anymore. Asked for painkiller and was told to use the laughing gas when contraction come. 7cm dilated.

2+am: Wah wah....Deon arrived.
Before got changed and before tummy went down.

Before dripping. Still smiling...

Pic of Papa to be and Mama to be. Say Cheese....

Contraction Pain Chart. Everytime the nurse on duty came in will asked Mama which level of pain Mama having.

Wah wah... Finally after 9months of waiting. You arrived.

Pic taken in the delivery suite. At this time, Mama already become a "die fish"..

Pic taken in the ward after 3hrs you were borned .

JS @ 11:43 pm l 0Comment

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

6th Appointment with Dr TB Lim

Hihi Darling, today(14th Jan 2008, Monday) already week38 and 2days and you are still happily inside... Neck getting longer and longer... Dr Lim said your head have engaged, that's a good news. So can deliver you through Natural instead of C-sec... Yeah... But there's also bad news, Mama having high blood pressure and Dr Lim would like to see us again on Friday.

According to him, if blood pressure still at the high side then have to induce because continue waiting both you and me will be in danger.. So finger cross everything will be fine on Friday...

JS @ 11:40 am l 0Comment

Thursday, January 10, 2008

5th Appointment with Dr TB Lim

Finally, you are a mature baby... Yeah Darling... We have passed the Week 37... Today (7th Jan 2008, Monday) went to see Dr Lim. Didn't check cervix whether any dilate, Dr Lim didn't mention much.. but asked Mama want to deliver you naturally or C-sec... because he worried Mama unable to deliver through natural due to Mama body build and your head might not be able to go through the cervix canal... Have to give him an answer during the next visit which is 1 week later... if decide to go for c-sec, we can choose either 17Jan or 18Jan.... Hmm.... how?

Called up Popo and Yi Ma after the check up, told them what Dr Lim said and of course Mama would like to deliver you through natural birth. 1st that's the start of motherhood... 2nd lower cost... but was told if after the tried of natural birth and not success still have to go for c-sec... and meaning double cost and double pain....

Went to see former gynae Dr Chng to seek his 2nd opinion. And we are glad that we made the right move.... After telling what Dr Lim had told us to Dr Chng, he did a check on you... check your side and your head position... he told us that the chances for natural birth quite high as you are not big and you are at the cervix "entrance" trying to go in... once your crown (biggest part of your head) entered, no big issue already... Told Dr Chng that Mama always have the feeling like passing motion... He said its a sign that either womb pushing you to the "entrance" or you are trying to find the "door"..... Thanks to Dr Chng for answering all my doubts and worries.... So hopefully the next visit with Dr Lim, we will hear good news...

JS @ 10:39 pm l 0Comment

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Real or False Contraction

On Sunday(30 Dec 2007) morning start from 5am Mama have cramps every 3hrs and on Monday(31 Dec 2007) morning start from 2am the cramps become every 2hrs. Call up the clinic at 10.15am and was asked to go down to the clinic immediately.

Managed to have a free ride from Mama's office canteen drink stall uncle to Mount E. Reached the clinic at 11.10am. Did all the check before seeing Dr Lim and waited for about 30 to 45mins before my turn to see Dr Lim.

Finally after the wait, my name was called. Went in and told Dr Lim what Mama have been experiencing and was told that was not contraction... What? Contraction should be around belly button area? Funny.... As what Mama understand from other Aunties, the contraction is the same as where we have our menstration cramps... Dr Lim only did a normal scan on you, to make sure you are fine. No cervix check...

Mama asked Dr Lim have your head engaged and his reply is not yet but almost there? huh? If you have not engaged how can he tell us that you will be born anytime after 5/6 jan? Funny Funny... Called up Popo, Yi Ma, Auntie Jennifer and Auntie Nurzaidah to complain and feel funny too... Anyway next appointment will be tomorrow.. Hope to hear good news from him...

JS @ 10:16 pm l 0Comment